Obtaining a business loan or commercial finance without the guidance and support of an experienced broker is no easy feat. Leveraging our excellent negotiating skills and industry knowledge, we are confident we can help find the right financial solution for your business. You can go about doing what really matters – your business!
INNOVEST caters to businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a start-up, a small-sized operation or a big entity – we can help. Our financial arrangements extend to business finance for expansion, investment funding, leasing/ purchase/ or refinance of commercial properties/ retail shops/ industrial land/ factories/ offices, and cash flow lending.
Whether you need statutory liability insurance, commercial vehicle insurance or any other type of business insurance in NZ, we can help. Talk to us about your requirements and we will find the best solution.
We can help you understand your options and develop a sound financial plan. And we’ll secure the best deal in the market so you can buy or grow your business.
Everyone has different needs and goals – our financial advisory services include sourcing the best mortgage brokers in NZ, providing personal loan advice, securing the best life and home insurance in NZ, securing business loans and sourcing the best KiwiSaver schemes.
To learn more about our financial advisory services, contact our highly experienced registered financial advisers in NZ today!