Mortgage and Insurance Advisers Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch

At Innovest, we are passionate about delivering excellent financial advice which helps NZ individuals and families reach their full financial potential. We understand that everyone has different goals and needs, helping each client navigate financial hurdles and maximise their returns on a case-by-case basis.

  • 30

    Different lenders & Industries

  • 50

    Years of experience

  • 26

    Daily jokes told in our office

Buying a House

We specialise in helping first-time buyers purchase their homes, simplifying the deposit and loan structure to educate clients so they can make an informed decision.


We offer complete insurance advice for local homeowners, pairing you with the best deal for your requirements and preparing you for unforeseen circumstances.

Loans Insurances Kiwisaver

Whether you are planning for your first home purchase, investing in property, or simply refinancing, our team at Innovest are some of the best mortgage brokers in New Zealand, empowering our clients with sound, personalised advice.

Growing Your KiwiSaver

Find out how small amounts put away can return big dollars later.

Comprehensive Cover

Protect your family and investments with cover for the unexpected.

Contact Us

Please give us a call, send through an email or fill out the contact form to get in touch with our friendly team.